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    Peroneal Tendon Dislocation/Dysfunction

    Published on July 25th, 2010

    Peroneal tendons are two tendons whose muscles originate on the outside of the calves. These two muscles allow you to roll to the outside of the foot while standing.

    Also called “stirrup” tendons because they help hold up the arch of the foot, the muscles are held in place by a band of tissue. Injury to these tendons can cause them to stretch or even tear. When this happens, they can dislocate.

    Snow skiing, football, basketball, and soccer are the most common sports activities that can result in peroneal tendon dislocation. Ankle sprains have also known to lead to the condition.

    Patients usually have top use crutches after such an injury, in order to allow the strain to heal. Sometimes, a splint or compression bandage is applied to decrease swelling. Anti-inflammatory medications and ice also supplement treatment. Consult your physician before taking any medications.

    Surgery can be prescribed with moderate to severe injuries that cause the tendon to be torn or severely stretched to a point that it easily dislocates.

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